Public lecture by Dr. Yonatan Mendel:  “Israel and Palestine, 1948-2018: The Roots of the Conflict and the Routes to Peace.”

Public lecture by Dr. Yonatan Mendel: “Israel and Palestine, 1948-2018: The Roots of the Conflict and the Routes to Peace.”

  • Carry date: 28 September 2018, 15:09
  • Published: 25 September 2018, 07:09

On September 28, Caucasus University hosted Dr. Yonatan Mendel from the Center for Jewish-Arab Relations at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, who delivered the public lecture “Israel and Palestine, 1948-2018: The Roots of the Conflict and the Routes to Peace”. The lecture was attended by students and researchers interested in conflict and peace issues. Dr. Mendel overviewed the historic roots of Israel-Palestine conflict, its basic characteristics and the peaceful routes of conflict solution. The lecture was followed by  discussion.

Dr. Yonatan Mendel is the Director of Manarat: The Center for Jewish-Arab Relations at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, and a senior lecturer at the Department of Middle East Studies at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. His research interests include the sociology of language, focusing on the status and history of the Arabic language in Palestine/Israel, and the Israeli-Arab conflict. Mendel is the author of The Creation of Israeli Arabic (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014), co-and co-editor (with Abeer Al Najjar) of Language, Politics and Society in the Middle East (2018, Edinburgh University Press). He is a regular contributor to the LRB in English and to Haaretz in Hebrew.

Note: The responsibility for the views expressed in the IPS public lecture series belong entirely to the speakers

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