Workshop for  CSG Students-How to Prepare for a Conference in Social Sciences?

Workshop for CSG Students-How to Prepare for a Conference in Social Sciences?

  • Carry date: 26 April 2018, 17:04
  • Published: 26 April 2018, 17:04

On April 26, Caucasus Institute for Peace Studies held a workshop for students: "How to prepare for conference in social sciences?" The workshop was held by the Dean of Caucasus School of Governance, Dr. of International Relations Ms. Eka Akobia. The workshop was designed for CSG students who are interested in academic conference organized by the Caucasus School of Governance or plan to undertake active academic/research activities in the future.

The topics discussed were as follows:

  • Selecting the topic and narrowing the research scope
  • Two types of research essay: argument based and analytical essays
  • Preparing abstract (short review)
  • Research Methods and Research Design
  • What is the literature review?
  • Why do we need a literature review?
  • What is the role of theory and how do we use it?
  • Paraphrase and direct quotation
  • How to quote sources and bibliography
  • How to make a presentation (8 useful rules)

Caucasus School of Governance will hold similar workshops in future as well.

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