CSG Call for Internship

CSG Call for Internship

  • Published: 17 May 2018, 11:05

In the framework of the Erasmus + project “Creation of the Graduate Curricula in Peace Studies in Georgia"(PESTUGE), CSG announces the call for internships for the spring semester, 2018 in two state institutions of Georgia:

  • Office of the Parliament of Georgia
    - Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies (Rondel Foundation)

  • Who can apply?

The call is open for undergraduate and graduate students of the Caucasus School of Governance (CSG) and MA students who have successfully completed Peace Studies' cources (peace study cources: International Conflict and Peace; Peace Theories; Introduction to Peace Studies; Fundamentals of International Security, Conflict in Abkhazia).

Two candidates will be selected. The duration of the internship is one month. At the end ot the internship participants will get relevnt document from the state institutions and certificates under the auspices of the project.

Internship will provide selected candidates and opportunity to develop their professional skills, establish professional networks with state or non-state institutions working on various aspects of conflict resolution, and become aware of the specifics of their work.

The internship period is April / May 2018.

Interested students can send the following documents untill March 23, 2018:

1. Motivational letter in Georgian - why are you interested in internship opportinity and which agency / organization you want to apply (sort by priority)
2. Recommendation from the course lecturer 
Selected candidates will undergo a interview:

Email address:

Be sure to specify "PESTUGE Practice" in the subject line of the e-mail.

In the fall semester of 2018, an additional call will be announced for the internship in two institutions:

- Office of the State Minister of Georgia for Reconciliation and Civic Equality
- Georgian Reform Association (GRASS)

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